| 1. | 88th lions clubs international conservation 2005 host committe 第88届国际狮子会年会主办地区委员会 |
| 2. | Esquel ' s plight is winning attention from international conservation and environmental groups such as greenpeace 艾斯圭尔的窘境正获得“绿色和平”等国际保育及环保团体的高度关切。 |
| 3. | " for the past week , the situation has been very serious , " tan lulu , who works for the international conservation group wwf , told national geographic news from wwf ' s hunan office in changsha 供职于国际动物保护协会的谭路路对位于湖南省会长沙的国家地理新闻说, “过去的一周,形势非常严峻。 ” |
| 4. | " for the past week , the situation has been very serious , " tan lulu , who works for the international conservation group wwf , told national geographic news from wwf ' s hunan office in changsha “上星期,形势非常严重。 ” wwf国际保护组织成员谭露露从其长沙分部的武汉办公室里告诉国家地理杂志说。 |
| 5. | " for the past week , the situation has been very serious , " tan lulu , who works for the international conservation group wwf , told national geographic news from wwf ' s hunan office in changsha 就职于国际世界野生动物保护组织的谭路路对位于湖南长沙的国家地理新闻说, “过去的一周,形势非常严峻. ” |
| 6. | " for the past week , the situation has been very serious , " tan lulu , who works for the international conservation group wwf , told national geographic news from wwf ' s hunan office in changsha 在国际保护组织世界野生动物基金会长沙办事处工作的谭璐璐告诉《国际地理新闻》 , “最近一周情况非常严重。 ” |
| 7. | " for the past week , the situation has been very serious , " tan lulu , who works for the international conservation group wwf , told national geographic news from wwf ' s hunan office in changsha 为国际动物保护协会wwf工作的谭路路对位于湖南省会长沙的国家地理新闻人员表示, “在过去的一周,形势已经十分严峻。 ” |
| 8. | " for the past week , the situation has been very serious , " tan lulu , who works for the international conservation group wwf , told national geographic news from wwf ' s hunan office in changsha 谭路路在长沙,世界野生动物基金湖南办事处告诉国家地理新闻说, “上周,情况变得非常严重” 。他目前效力于世界野生动物基金会国际观察小组。 |
| 9. | Theclouded leopard of the southeast asian islands of borneo and sumatra isits own unique species , according to genetic test results announcedyesterday by wwf , the international conservation organization ( indonesia map showing borneo and sumatra ) 云豹的东南亚婆罗洲和苏门答腊岛独特的物种据昨天公布的测试结果自然遗传,国际保育组织(印尼婆罗洲和苏门答腊地图) |